The Thirteenth Hour Podcast #341: First Blood and Rambo Survival Knives with Joe and Adam Part 2

The Thirteenth Hour Podcast #341: First Blood and Rambo Survival Knives with Joe and Adam Part 2

Welcome to the 2nd part of the First Blood / Rambo miniseries.  But before I forget, as mentioned in the show intro, check out Adam’s tutorial on grey scale painting:

And!  A new podcast I recently found all about Howard the Duck – “Trapped in a World!”

Now to the feature …   Today, I’m again joined by my friends Joseph Esch and Adam Crohn to talk more about the first Rambo movie, First Blood (1982) and things like 80s hollow handle survival knives, as well as oddities like the Rambo cartoon and associated action figures.  If you haven’t caught the first part of this miniseries, you can find it here:

Click on the picture below to find a copy of the film:


We actually start off taking about this collection of ads, of which the survival knife is just one fine offering, coming from Boys’ Life.


As an aside, if you look center bottom in the ad above, you’ll see one for a diver’s knife.  Adam sent along some pictures of his:


Joe also sent along some pictures of the container he found to organize the contents of the knife handle in the Harbor Fright model we have.  If you look around, you can find little metal waterproof containers just the right size to fit in the handle.  This is the one Joe used.


We also talk a bit about the Rambo cartoon (odd choice for an R rated movie about a vet suffering from PTSD who gets bullied by smallminded cops and wreaks a path of wanton destruction on their small town as revenge) as well as the accompanying Coleco toyline, which I vaguely remember from the shelves of Kmart, as they were bigger and had more accessories than a lot of your typical action figures of the day.

I found the first episode of the cartoon here, and here’s the trailer:

The backdrops from these 80s commercials were sometimes even better than the toys themselves.  Now, this, ladies, and gents, is a commercial …

For those of you on Patreon, there will be an accompanying exclusive episode later this week on favorite GI Joe figures, as the comic had many of the Joes originally as Vietnam vets trying to figure out what to do after the war, just like Rambo.

In the meantime, check out more Adam and Joe on our first joint collaboration on The Lost Boys parts 1 and 2 as well as on Adam’s show, I Have Spoken: A Star Wars Podcast, episodes 14, 15, and 19 talking about The Book of Boba Fett and Star Wars toys!  Thanks for coming on the show, fellas!

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The Thirteenth Hour Podcast #340: First Blood and Rambo Survival Knives with Joe and Adam Part 1

The Thirteenth Hour Podcast #340: First Blood and Rambo Survival Knives with Joe and Adam Part 1




Today, I’m joined by my friends Joseph Esch and Adam Crohn to talk about the first Rambo movie, First Blood (1982) and some 80s survival knife back-of-the-magazine ad goodness.  


This ad comes from a 1985 issue of Black Belt magazine.


Here’s the knife in the ad.  It’s different from the one Rambo uses in the film, of course, but has the same mostly hollow handle to hold a variety of survival bits, like fishing hooks, line, matches (which are clearly vintage – I found my knife on eBay).  


Last year (when we first floated he idea of doing this pod!), Joe sent me a modern equivalent from Harbor Freight Tools.  It’s a bit bigger than the original, and the compass is protectively nested on the inside of the handle, not the outside, which I thought was a good change.  

Look for more details on the Patreon as well as next week with part 2!

In the meantime, check out more Adam and Joe on our first joint collaboration on The Lost Boys parts 1 and 2 as well as on Adam’s show, I Have Spoken: A Star Wars Podcast, episodes 14 and 15 talking about The Book of Boba Fett and Star Wars toys!

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The Birth Control Wallet Survival Kit!

One of the premises behind the hero’s journey is that he often faces incredible odds with little to no chances of success.  He might be traumatized, injured, or abandoned somewhere along the way and must face the most perilous of odds alone and outnumbered.  Of course, in the back of our minds, we have an idea that despite it all, he somehow succeeds, since if he didn’t, there wouldn’t be a story.

But Logan, the main character of The Thirteenth Hour doesn’t know that.   He’s just your average, everyday kind-of-guy who happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time (or the right place/time, depending on how you look at it) who is thrown into a situation with incredible odds stacked against him and little chances of success (a quest around the known world to find his narcissist of a King the secret to eternal life probably qualifies as such).  He’s not particularly enthusiastic about the whole quest for eternal life (and privately, would probably admit he doesn’t really understand what the fuss is about), nor is he bound by a code of honor or duty to his country.  He’s just a kid from an orphanage (as he puts it) who hopes to see something of the world and not get himself killed too soon while doing it.  In other words, he’s kind of along for the ride.  But early on, the rest of his crewmates are eaten and his supplies sink to the bottom of the sea.  And he has to make a decision – what the hell do I do now??

We’ve all been there – maybe not abandoned and shipwrecked – but at some crucial nexus of out lives where the decisions we make can alter our lives forever.  In Logan’s case, he decides that despite lacking any and all supplies, weapons, and transport, he’ll press on the best he can and keep putting one foot in front of the other.

Imperial Ranger LoadoutWM

But life sure would have been easier if he’d had some of the gear he’d been issued.  If you notice in the picture above, the typical Imperial Ranger was issued with a variety of life sustaining accouterments that were meant to be compact and easy to transport on one’s person.  Of course, they’d only helpful if one actually carried said items.  Logan did what most people would probably do if weighed down by a load of heavy crap – he took it off and left it someplace else – in his case, in the quarters of his ship, which, unfortunately, ended up at the bottom of the ocean.  Isn’t that the way it is … the best equipment isn’t worth a damn if you don’t have it with you.  So without further ado, I progress to the topic of this post.

Lately, I’ve noticed that people have posted videos or pictures of survival tins made out Altoids tins stuffed full of miniature survival gear (like this Altoids survival tin or this old school one with flint and steel)  It’s somewhat of an art and hobby all itself, since the idea, as far as I can tell, is to figure how to cram the most useful gear into the smallest container possible.

So with that in mind, I decided that if Logan woke up in our world and could carry modern things back with him, I’d give him a pocket survival kit – something small enough to fit in his pocket so he would have it with him and weigh down his britches.

Not having any Altoids tins or Tic Tac containers handy, I decided to use a little vinyl wallet that previously housed a month’s worth of birth control pills.  My wife had a bunch of them lyring around, and although we never knew what to do with them, it always seemed like a shame to throw them out.  The nice thing is that they’re small (3″ x 4.5″), light, and can accommodate quite a bit owing to the inherent malleability of vinyl.  I added a few feet of duct tape wrapped around the outer flap and added a Velcro fastener to keep the wallet closed when not in use.

survival wallet (1) survival wallet (4)

As for the contents, I focused on things that 1.) could fit inside, and 2.) more importantly, fit in one of the following categories necessary (or at least nice) for survival: a.) water, b.) food, c.) fire, d.) safety.  The numbers below correspond to the numbers in the pictures.

survival wallet (3)

Water (11, 12)

Ahh, water, possibly the most important and sometimes the most difficult to get (clean, drinkable water, that is).  Of course, water can be filtered or boiled, but filtering requires a water filter or at least a bottle or receptacle to hold the water.  And boiling requires a fire and some kind of pot (none of which fit in the birth control wallet).  I thought about good, old reliable iodine drops, but any kind of container I could think of was too big (and still had the potential for big mess if leakage occured), so I went with a strip of water purification tablets.  Because they need to sit in the dirty water for at least 30 minutes, the smallest collapsible container I could think of was a (nonlubricated) condom, after remembering reading that the US Air Force used to put those in aviator survival kits.  All potential genitalia-related jokes aside, condoms are a feat of engineering – compact yet amazingly strong and stretchy.  There are two in case one gets punctured or needs to be used to hold more water.  You could (in theory) use them for slingshot bands, though to be honest, I’m not sure how powerful they’d be for that purpose.  I’ll have to give it a try and write up my results later.

Food (7, 10)

Since I couldn’t think of food small, thin, or durable enough to fit inside the wallet and last there without rotting, I figured I could at least provide some of the tools needed to catch food.  I added a weighted fish hook with one of those handy swivel chain things that connects to the line, which, in this case, is a length of dental floss, which can also double as strong thread for sewing (which is why there’s a needle at #7 in the pictures).  And, should you find civilization and a can of food but lack the right tool to open in, there’s the civilized option – a GI can opener – saving you trying opening it by bashing it on rocks or something similarly barbaric.  At the very least, the can opener is a piece of metal, and substances as thin, easy to sharpen, and useful as metal are hard to find in nature (useful for a arrow point, for example).

survival wallet (2)

Fire (6, 8)

As someone who has tried to start many a fire with soggy matches and damp wood, I can say that nothing beats a good old lighter (and plenty of patience).  But, too big for the wallet.  So I did my best to waterproof a bunch of strike-anywhere matches by dripping hot candle wax over the striking ends.  And … since it never hurts to have a backup plan, I filed some magnesium to make shavings (the little bag at #8) to add some insurance in case of wetness or poor tinder (which, per Murphy’s law, will probably rain down the minute you’d like a fire).

Safety (every other number)

This broad category is basically everything else.  I added some bandages, antibiotic ointment, alcohol wipes, and basic comfort medications – 1000 mg of acetaminophen (generic Tylenol) for pain and 50 mg of diphenhydramine (generic Benadryl) for sleep and/or allergic reactions) to make a minimalist first aid kit.  There’s a length of duct tape wrapped around one of the wallet flaps that can serve many purposes, not the least of which is taping your feet to prevent hot spots from turning into blisters (given you may be walking a lot).  And since it never hurts to be able to see where you’re going at night, there’s a tiny LED light stuffed in the wallet that, while not as bright or useful as say, a headlamp, is better than nothing.  Lastly, you can’t have a survival kit without having a knife – useful for so many things.  This is a little credit card folding knife I found for a buck or two on ebay.  It’s not the most robust thing out there, but hey, beggars can’t be choosers, and it’s better to have one than none at all.

After assembling everything, I carried it around in a cargo pocket of whatever shorts I was wearing for a few weeks to see if it would get in the way.  Thinner and lighter than my real wallet, most of the time I actually forgot I had it, which is, I suppose, the best outcome I could hope for if I were to just keep carrying it with me.

I obviously used modern materials that Logan didn’t have access to in his world, though even just the little knife and the matches in the kit (both of which were available in his world) would have saved him a lot of trouble.  And that, I suppose, gets to the heart of all this.  The preparation you do in life probably goes a long way to ensuring comfort, if not outright survival, in many situations.  I’m not saying this is the time to build a bunker and start caching guns for the zombie apocalypse.  If that’s your thing, then go for it, but I’m talking about much more mundane circumstances.  You hopefully will never need to survive in the wilderness after being shipwrecked like Logan, but there are plenty of mini, non-life threatening disasters that we all experience in daily life where the extra $20 bill, car key, memory card, or battery can make big difference between a good, or at least tolerable experience, and one with repeat facepalms and utterances like Logan’s when he realized his gear was sinking to the bottom of the ocean – “why, today of all days, did I leave that [thing] at home?”

And, if you’re interested in making your own mini survival kit, please post your ideas and experiments below.  I’d love to know if you have suggestions or other ideas!


Logan’s Everyday Carry (EDC) from The Thirteenth Hour

There are a number of sites out on the internet that show pictures of the stuff people carry in their pockets or in their bags.  If you google the terms “everyday carry” or “EDC” you’ll see what I mean.  At first, I thought this was kind of a joke or a spill-over of military terminology into civilian life, but the more I looked at the pictures, the more fascinating it became.  There really was a Boy Scoutish “prepared for anything” air about the collections of (mostly) knives, pens, wallets, survival gear, and watches.  These were folks who’d devoted a lot of time thinking about what they’d carry on their person, and man, if my family and I were on a plane going down over Siberia or something, I’d sure be hoping there were a few EDCers on board!

It’s probably not surprising I’d find this sort of thing interesting since I’m a guy, and it’s mostly guys posting pictures of their adult toys (knives, guns, pens, cameras, etc).  Occasionally, however, women will post pictures of the stuff they carry in their purses (a so-called “purse dump”), which always seems to draw interest.  And perhaps it should come as no surprise, since women were the original EDCers out there (especially women who happen to be mothers – they really have to prepared for everything.  But something tells me a mother’s diaper bag with pictures of diapers and butt cream may not be quite as interesting to the young-middle adult male demographic these sites seem to cater to.)

However, I digress.

Partly for kicks and partly in the spirit of The Thirteenth Hour, which doesn’t take itself too seriously, I created an EDC picture for Logan, the main character of the book.  He doesn’t actually carry much in the book – he loses all of his gear when his ship goes down, but he gains a few things here and there, and this inventory is from near the end of the book.

Without further ado, here’s Logan’s EDC:

Logan's EDC_edited-2

  1. Lightning (folded up)
  2. Burned wood handle pocket knife (actually an Aitor folding knife)
  3. Playing cards (for throwing)
  4. Apple (for eating)
  5. Tartec currency (useless in other parts of the world, but handy to have in Tartec)
  6. The scroll containing the instructions on how to make the Potion for Eternal Life
  7. Matches (x8)

Here are more details about some of the components:

1.) Lightning – Logan’s trusty talking magic silver hoverboard with an onboard monitor and computer (programmed by wizards) that he is given at the Palace of the Winds to allow him to speed around the world much faster than any sailing ship.


logan on lightningWM

Like George Jetson’s spaceship, it folds up into a compact, though heavy package about the size of an open hand.

lightning folding.gif

I wasn’t sure how to pull of the kind of wizardry needed to make a real-life prop like this for Logan’s EDC, so I wrapped a book in some aluminum foil:

making lightning (1) making lightning (2) making lightning (3) making lightning (4)

I knew that Spanish verb book would come in handy one of these days!

2.) Burned wood handle pocket knife – Logan finds a pocket knife on his journeys after losing all his gear when his ship goes down.  And that probably saved his bacon, because if there’s one things that’s really handy to have out in the woods, it’s a knife.  Here’s what Logan had to say about the one he found:

… I did, however, find a pocket knife that needed no modifications in what looked like a razed general good store. The hardwood handles had been singed, which didn’t add to its appearance – this was a strictly utilitarian blade – but it was sharp and the folding mechanism was strong and rust–free. It fit well in my hand and was heavy and balanced enough that I could probably throw it if need be, but I doubted I would, as knife throwing had not been a strong suit of mine in the Army, and I didn’t want to throw a knife away now that I had been lucky enough to locate one.

I went through a number of potential candidates to find Logan’s real-life knife.  Like the description, I was looking for something that had wooden handles and had an unadorned, working-man’s knife type of appearance.  There were a number of blades (both traditional and modern), mostly made in Europe, that I considered (pictures link to sites where you can buy the knives or learn more about them):

The Opinel folding knife (made in France)

Svord Peasant Mini Hardwood Fold Knife, Swedish high carbon tool steel blade, Hardwood handle PKM

The Svord peasant knife (made in New Zealand)

The Lierenaar folding knife (from Belgium)

The Baladeo olive wood handle pocket knife (made in France, I think)

Aitor Knives 16514 Castor Mediana Knife with Bubinga Wood Handles

Aitor Castor Mediana pocket knife (made in Spain)

The one in the EDC photo is the last one, made by Aitor.  All the knives in the list above look like fine blades and probably would have fit the bill.  However, I was looking for a knife made of high carbon steel, since I figured there wouldn’t have been stainless steel in the world Logan lived in, which narrowed down the list considerably, as well as something that wasn’t too handle heavy given Logan’s comment about knife throwing.  (Although this is a different topic altogether, yes, you can throw pocket knives, even ones that aren’t balanced evenly – google Ralph Thorn).  Lastly, I was aiming to find something that wasn’t very expensive.  Although there are many wood handled knives made by more expensive brands, I figured a guy like Logan (who was perpetually broke) wouldn’t have gotten his hands on them anyway.

In the end, the Aitor blade had all these requirements and had a bit of flair owing to the leaf shaped blade and bent handle while still carrying with it the feel of a utilitarian working knife.  I found it for about twenty bucks online.  The blade came quite sharp, easily able to shave off hair from the back of a hand and slice off a thin strip from a piece of paper.  There was no thumbnail groove or stud to pull the blade out (which had a remarkably strong spring and needed lubrication to open smoothly), but like the knife Logan found, the folding mechanism was strong and, despite not having a lock, unlikely to close on your hand unless you really mangled it.  The wood handles were exactly what I pictured, and yes, at close ranges (less than ten feet – haven’t tried it further), it threw nicely using a quarter turn throw (a.k.a. “no-spin” throw), though it had a tendency to rotate along its horizontal axis while in the air, maybe because of the bent shape of the handle).  For the picture, I Photoshopped burn marks onto the handle.

3.) Playing cards – speaking of throwing things, in the book, Logan comes across a novel that teaches him how to throw cards.  While this is a post for another time, yes, it’s also possible to throw cards so they fly (relatively) straight.  Magicians have been doing it for ages, but now thanks to the power of the internet, you can also learn how (many examples on youtube or look for Ricky Jay’s tongue-in-cheek “Card as Weapons” book).  Logan, though, learned from a book without pictures, though after months practicing while on his sea voyage, he was able to put the technique to good use later in his journey.

5.) Tartec currency – this collection of coins represents the extent of Logan’s disposable income – coins found here and there on the street of the capital city and through other means, which he hides in his mattress in the Imperial Army barracks (since it’s useless elsewhere in the world) and later retrieves when he returned from his quest.  Like Logan’s coins, the ones in the picture are useless as currency in the USA – two Euro coins, a Swedish Krona, a British pence, and an Ugandan shilling – though they are fun souvenirs from our own travels.

6.) The Potion for Eternal Life scroll – this scroll, given to Logan from the Dreamweaver, contains the ingredients to make a good cup of coffee … which isn’t really the secret to living forever, though it sometimes makes people feel like they could.  There’s a previous post I did about this little scroll, which I printed out on a piece of parchment-style paper.  Here’s one of the pictures of it unrolled:

scrollWM (3)

Interesting is seeing more (real-life, as opposed to fictional) EDC pictures?  Check out for more!
